Zpravy 2015: Chicago Cubs to start baseball season, missing beloved bleachers - Yahoo Sports

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Chicago Cubs to start baseball season, missing beloved bleachers - Yahoo Sports

URL: http://sports.yahoo.com/news/chicago-cubs-start-baseball-season-missing-beloved-bleachers-110433922--mlb.html
Kategorie: Zpravy 2015: Chicago Cubs to start baseball season, missing beloved bleachers - Yahoo Sports

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Rooting for a baseball team that has not won a World Series since 1908, the Chicago Cubs' famous bleacher bums have at least always had a chance to party in Wrigley Field's outfield stands. But when the 2015 season opens on ...

Pridano: Thu Apr 02 2015
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Kategorie: Zpravy 2015: Chicago Cubs to start baseball season, missing beloved bleachers - Yahoo Sports

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