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 is the largest on-line community of Czech and Slovak people living in America. Our goal is to bring our fellows together to share information, know-how and help each other. 

Although most of the content of our website is in our native language, most of the members of our community know English as their second language; therefore you as an English communicating user are welcome to participate in our free Classifieds and Personals ads section. Click here to learn how to submit your ads.
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For an up-to-date information (in English) about Czech Republic or Slovak Republic visit for Czech Republic and for Slovak Republic. and are the largest source of information in English about those countries.


Slovak Republic Government
Government Office of the Slovak Republic, Embassies and Consulates...

Localities and Regions in Slovak Republic
Banska Bystrica, Bardejov, Dunajska Streda, High Tatra, Kosice, Poprad, Trnava...

Czech Republic Government
Embassies and Consulates, Czech Statistical Office, Government departments...

Regions in Czech Republic
Bohemia, Czech Highlands, Moravia, Liberec, Hradec Kralove, Pilsen...

Czech Republic facts
Geography, Climate, People, Religions, Age structure, Birth rate, Death rate, HIV/AIDS rate, Ethnic groups, Executive branch, Legislative branch, International organization participation, Economy, Exports, Imports, Disputes - international, Illicit drugs

Czech Republic architecture
Gallery of  Castles and chateaux and  gallery of Czech modern architecture.




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